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The number of homes available for sale: 0
The average price for a home in this neighborhood:

Governors Village has approximately 100 homesites ranging from 0.2 - 0.5 acres.Homes range is size from 1,600 sf – 3,500 sf. Home prices are from $300,000 - $450,000.There are currently approximately 70 homes completed, 10 homes under construction, and 20 vacant homesites.

Community features large park areas with beautiful oak trees, a lake recreation area behind the shopping center, and extensive sidewalks throughout community. Community amenities include a swimming pool, two all-weather tennis courts, basketball court, sand volleyball court, and playgrounds.Walk to commercial shopping center with major grocery store, drycleaners, business center, several restaurants, and more! Office space and bank located within the community

Directions to Governors Village
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12043 Wicker Drive

12043 Wicker Drive
Chapel Hill, NC


4 bedrooms, 3/1 bathrooms (full/half)
3252 square feet | $760,000

20010 Grier

20010 Grier
Chapel Hill, NC


3 bedrooms, 2/0 bathrooms (full/half)
2320 square feet | $725,000

10040 Ward

10040 Ward
Chapel Hill, NC


3 bedrooms, 2/0 bathrooms (full/half)
2407 square feet | $649,000

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